Raiders of the Lost Ark is a story about the rough-around-the-edges hero named Indiana Jones. Indy is a seemingly average 1930's college professor who doubles as an archeologist and 'obtainer of rare objects'. He travels the world facing danger and the unknown in the hopes of obtaining fortune and glory.
In this first installment of the series, Indy is out on a quest seeking the legendary Ark of the Covenant which housed the Biblical Ten Commandments. His story is one of three quests. On the surface is the quest to find the Ark before Hitler and his Nazis claim it and use it as a weapon of mass destruction. Besides that there are two other internal quests Indy struggles with. First there is his quest to go from a sceptic to a believer in the supernatural. And lastly there's his quest for love which nearly every hero faces in their journey.
Interestingly Raiders begins with a brief quest which introduces Indy's character the the world he lives in. I'll outline it quickly and move on the the bigger story.

1) Ordinary World: Indiana Jones and his allies search for a golden idol. The locations are exotic and Indy is a rugged fearless leader.
2) First threshold: The team trek through the deep dark jungles of South America. Its a foreign land few ever visit and return from.
3) Magical Guide: Indy uses an ancient looking parchment map to guide his way. One of the clues he's discovered in his quest for the idol.
4) Shape shifters: Sometimes those who seem like allies may actually turn out to be enemies to the Hero as so can enemies become allies. In the opening of Raiders, Indy's companions all try to double cross Indy in an attempt to claim the idol.

5) Road of Trials/Threshold Guardians: As Indy enters the idol ruins, he must traverse past many obstacles to reach his prize.
6) Apotheosis: When Indy claims the idol, the ruins begin to collapse. Indy races out of the tombs to escape certain death.
Ok now onto the full story outline...

1) Ordinary world: Indy is a seemingly mild mannered college professor newly returns from his recent adventure in South America.
2) The Call to Adventure/Mentor Guide/Heralds: Once day after class Indy is approached by longtime friend, mentor, and curator of the local museum Marcus Broody. Brody is there on behalf of the U.S Army Intelligence who wish to speak to Indy. In the

meeting, the two government agents/heralds inform Indy of the Nazi plot to find the Staff of Ra and use it to locate the Ark. They entrust Indy with the task of intercepting the Staff and finding the Ark before Hitler can.
3) Crossing the First Threshold: Indy travels to Tibet to locate his old mentor Abner Ravenwood who was the last known owner of the Staff of Ra.
4) Road of Trails: Indy faces many tests throughout the film. First he must confront his ex-lover Marian Ravenwood and convince her to help him in his quest. Then he must battle the nazi forces who constantly get between him and his goals. And finally Indy must use the Staff of Ra to locate the Ark's resting place right under the nose of the Nazi archeological excavation.

5) Cave Threshold/More Threshold Guardians: When Indy discovers the location of the Ark he and his allies descend into the dark cave of the unknown. In many myths to enter a cave represent facing ones greatest fear. In Raiders Indy suffers from Ophidiophobia and is deathly afraid of snakes. The Ark cavern just happens to be filled with deadly Egyptian asps.

6) First Crucifixion&Dismemberment: Indy is pretty roughed up through the course of the film. In one scene alone as he battles the Nazi forces for control of the Ark he gets beaten up, dragged by a truck, thrown through a glass windshield, and even shot in the arm. Once Indy and Marian are finally safe from the nazi threat, they share a moment alone where Indy licks his wounds. Marion comments, “You're not the man I knew ten years ago.” pointing out Indy's fatigue. Indy responds, “It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.”

7) Temptation: When the Nazis capture both the Ark and Marion Indy is faced with a dilemma. He decides to choose his quest for love over his quest for the Ark. Indy attempts to barter with the Nazis. He threatens to destroy the Ark if they don't free Marion. The Nazis call his bluff and tell him to destroy the Ark. For a moment Indy is tempted to do so in order to keep it from Nazi control. However he is unable to destroy such a priceless artifact.

8) Apotheosis: The Nazis string up Indy and Marion as sacrifices to the Ark. The Nazi leaders attempt a Jewish ritual where they try to harness the power of the Ark. However it backfires killing everyone there except for Indy and Marion who humbly shield their eyes from the Ark and its immense power. Indy finally comes to see the supernatural in the world and only survives the ordeal through his yielding to that power.
9) Ultimate Boon: Indy claims the Ark and takes it to the U.S. There the government takes control of it. Indy doesn't get the fortune and glory he seeks but obtains other goals of his quest. He has a better understanding of the universe and has found love.