Until recently I knew nothing about the Hunger Games. All I knew was the film was an adaptation of a popular books series with a growing following in the young teens demographic. At first I was a bit weary of such a story since it sounded an awful lot like Twilight. But When I saw the film I came to realize that the Hunger games was a story far more rich in subject and depth then most films today.
The Hunger games takes place in a future dystopian world of Panem where the former U.S once was. Here rules the highly advanced metropolis simply called the Capitol. This region holds absolute control over the rest of the nation with comprises of 12 surrounding districts. To assert their control, the Capitol holds an annual Hunger Game where one boy and girl from each district are selected to compete in a televised death match where only one person can survive.
The story revolves around sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen. She lives in one of the poorest districts of Panem. When her sister is chosen for the Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to take her place. She and Peeta, the other chosen contestant, are whisked away to the Capitol to be prepared, trained, and compete in the futuristic gladiator games.
Once again as like many heroes, Katniss has an internal and external conflict to resolve. The first more obvious conflict is that she must survive the Hunger Games to return to her family. The more internal emotional conflict Katniss struggles with is retaining her humanity even while she is forced to kill in order to survive.

Call to Adventure: The time comes for the Capitol to choose its annual Hunger Game contestants from District 12. Katniss and her younger sister, Prim, are put into the lottery. When Prim is chosen for the game, Katniss storms the stage and volunteers.
Crossing the Threshold: Kat boards the train for the Capitol. She leaves behind the poor, dark, colorless world of District 12. There she finds a bountiful feast has been set up for her and her partner Peeta. The food is far more opulent then anything she has been used to back home. The train then arrives in the Capitol which is a beautiful wealthy metropolis inhabited by colorful people.

Training/Road of trails: There are many challenges Katniss must complete through the story. First she must prove her worth to her mentor and then to the people of Capitol city. Without their support she'll have a difficult time surviving the Hunger Games. Then comes the challenges and dangers once she's in the games. Katniss also needs to deal with the fact that Peeta has claimed that he has feelings for her.
First Transformation: In the first stage of her physical transformation, Katniss is cleaned up and dressed up for the game parade where the contestants are shown off to the world. As her training progresses, Katniss undergoes an emotional transformation. She realizes that she needs people to like her in order to survive the games. She becomes more open and personable with others and makes friends with Peeta and wins over the people of the Capitol. These alliances will prove useful in the trials ahead.
Second Threshold: The contestants are loaded into a transport ship and moved to the isolated forest arena. There the games start and Katniss is seemingly on her own to survive.

Ordeal/Crucifixion&Dismemberment/Rebirth: During the game Katniss is injured many times. These injuries take their tole on her. But every time it seems like the wounds have bested her, her mentor Haymitch sends her supplies to get her going again. She is healed and ready to fight again.
There is also emotional scaring she faces. In the course of the game she befriends a small girl named Rue who reminds Kat of her sister. She tries to protect the young girl but Rue is killed by another contestant.

Apotheosis: When the pair exit the cave, they must face their greatest challenge yet. Wild dogs have been released into the arena. Once they escape the beasts, they're confronted by the final contestant. The pair defeat him and seemingly win the game.
Temptation: As Kat and Peeta are the last two contestants of the game, the game announcer orders Kat and Peeta to kill each other. Only one can survive. The pair instead resolve to eat deadly berries rather than kill each other. When the gamemakers realize the two intend to commit suicide, and that two winners are better than none, they announce both Kat and Peeta victors of the Hunger Game.
Ultimate Boon: Kat and Peeta are returned home as allies and heroes. They have overcome the games and, to an extent, the cold unseen shadow figured to control it.