The film takes place in 1941 during World War 2. The story centers around cynical saloon-owner Rick Blaine who's secret painful past catches up with him. He's a cold man who only looks after himself. However as the story progresses and Rick falls in love again, he softens up a bit. In the end, Rick must choose between love and doing his patriotic duty.
Rick's basic conflict in the film is between selfishly doing whats best for himself or sacrifice for the greater good. There is also the internal conflict of Rick dealing with his past. First he must deal with the fact that Ilsa, the woman he once loved who scorned him, has returned in his life. But Rick must also deal with the fact that he was once an freedom fighter and still has the urge to fight the good fight against tyranny. His encounters with Ilsa's husband, legendary hero Victor Laszlo, rekindles Rick's idealist nature. Both Ilsa's return as well as Laszlo's influence help bring about change in Rick's life and his persona.
1) Ordinary world: Casablanca, Africa in 1941. During World War 2, The Nazi Shadow force threatens the security of the whole world. It was in this climate that refugees from Europe flood into the African city looking to escape to America. In Casablanca, Rick makes a decent living running his popular nightclub. He's a cold secretive cynic of a man who looks after himself only.He is an anti-hero who's cynical shell protects his broken heart, his inner conflict.
2) First Call to Adventure: (Journey of the Higher Cause) Rick's associate Ugarte, a black market trader, gives him stolen visas for safekeeping. These rare items are sought after by the Nazis and local police who arrest Ugarte before he can recover them from Rick.
3) Herald/Mentor: Rick is approached by his friend Captain Louis Renault who notifies rick of the coming Czechoslovakian resistance leader, Victor Laszlo and his beautiful wife. Renault acts as Rick's mentor in a way. He's an ideal model for being cold and unsympathetic as Rick tries to be. Also he see's Rick for who he really is. An sentimentalist. He warns Rick not to get involved with Laszlo.
4) Refusal of Call: Rick agrees not to get involved with Laszlo or help him escape Casablanca
5) Accepting the call: Rick eventually dons become involved with Laszlo's cause against the Nazi's and helps him escape Casablanca.
6) Second call to Adventure: (Journey of the Heart) Laszlo wife Ilsa turns out to be Rick's former lover from Paris who abandoned him. Rick encounters Ilsa and he fights to hide the well of emotions her arrival sparks.
7) Refusal of the Call: Rick pretends that Ilsa's arrival does not bother him.
8) Accepting the Call: Rick realizes that he still loves Ilsa and wants her back.
9) Belly of the Beast: In a darkened room Rick drinks his sorrows away. There he realizes his greatest fear, that his past has caught up with him.
10) Ordeal/Crucifixion&Dismemberment/Rebirth: In a flashback we see the Paris romance between Ilsa and Rick. The two plan to escape Paris before the Nazis invade but Ilsa abandons Rick at the train station with nothing more than a goodbye letter. This experience is what caused rick to go from an idealist freedom fighter to a cold-hearted cynic.
11) Road of Trails: (Journey of the Higher Cause) Through the film, Rick's decision to not help Laszlo and Ilsa escape Casablanca is challenged and weakened. First Rick is pressure from the Nazi's helps Rick see the danger Ilsa, Laszlo, and himself are in. But the real trial comes when Laszlo confronts Rick to buy the visas. In this moment Rick not only see's that Laszlo is a good man who love Ilsa dearly, but has the flames of his inner freedom fighter stoked by Laszlo's passionate words. In this scene Laszlo becomes Rick's mentor in the ways of being a true hero. Laszlo even asks him to use the visas to escape with Ilsa in order to ensure her safety. Rick is moved by this noble sacrifice. With each one of these trials, Rick gets closer and closer to returning to his idealist roots. Laszlo is soon arrested and Rick must choose what to do next.
12) Road of Trails: (Journey of the Heart): As the film progresses, Rick tries to win Ilsa away back. However at every try she refuses him. But finally when she is forced to decide whether or not to kill Rick for the visas to save Laszlo, she breaks down. He finally confesses her love for Rick and explains why she left him in Paris. With this Rick is finally able to forgive the past pains but is now faced with a hard choice about what to do next.
13) Temptation: With Ilsa's confession of love, Rick is tempted to run away with her and leave Casablanca, Laszlo, and the troubles of the world behind. Whether or not Rick will give into that temptation is a mystery to the vary end of the film.
14) Apotheosis: After Laszlo's arrest, Rick acting as a shape shifter convinces Renault to release the freedom fighter. That night at the cafe Renault attempts to rearrest Laszlo but Rick intervenes wearing acting as the Hero finally. He demands the safe passage for Ilsa and Laszlo to the airport.
At the airport Rick decides to make his own noble sacrifice and sends Ilsa away with Laszlo. He realizes that they must all accept the call to the higher cause. Without Ilsa's support and love, Laszlo cannot fight the evil Nazis.
15) Ultimate Boon: Ilsa and Laszlo escape Casablanca and Rick is redeemed as a hero and patriot.

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